Latest API Updates

Travis Bell
TMDB: Behind the Scenes
2 min readJul 24, 2018


I finally got around to working on the API last week and wanted to take a few minutes to share what was rolled out.

TV Episode Groups

TV episode groups was completed on the website back in April and since then, I’ve seen some really awesome groups get added. In case you weren’t sure what I mean when I say “episode groups”, here are some examples:

The gist of this feature is that I created a way to be able to build custom groups of episodes that don’t need to match the standard season model and original air date orders. These groups can be assigned 7 different types: original air date, absolute, DVD, digital, story arc, production and TV and they can also belong to a TV network for better organization.

TV Series Previous/Next Episodes

An old, old set of tickets that were open had to do with returning what the last and next episodes to air were. Both of these fields are now present on a TV series get details call. The data is refreshed every day at 00:00 UTC.

Other Smaller Changes

  • There is now a conversion path for a v4 access token to v3 session id.
  • v3 sessions can now be deleted (ie. logged out.)
  • The person get details method returns a “known_for_department” field. This is the field TMDb uses to assign a primary department and set of known for items.
  • Person translations are now available from the get translations method.
  • The credit method can now accept movie credit IDs. Previously it only worked on TV series, season and episode credits.



I founded, design, engineer and support The Movie Database (@themoviedb). I wear a lot of hats.