New account pages!

Travis Bell
TMDB: Behind the Scenes
2 min readApr 17, 2017


I’ve been trying to write this blog post for almost 2 weeks now but keep finding more work to do! So enough of that. Without further ado, I’m happy to finally announce that after a month of hard work, the all new account pages are live. I thought I’d take a few minutes to chat about what I worked on and why.

These new pages were a long time coming and I am very happy with how they turned out. As time has gone on less and less (by percentage) of our daily active users edit content and they just want to have a great experience rating movies, keeping track of their watchlist and doing things like take part in discussions and the like. Put simply, we did a very sub-par job of this before and it needed a massive makeover, like yesterday.

My upcoming watchlist

The new pages put all of your personal data first which has been a really nice switch up. One view I especially like is your upcoming watchlist. Your ratings, watchlist, recommendations, discussions and custom lists are all one click away in a nice and simple standard account navigation.

Another really nice feature is the ability to customize your pages to showcase your own unique voice. Not only can you choose your own personal accent color but also set a custom background image and add your personal links to sites like Twitter and Facebook.

A screenshot showing all of colours you can select as your own personal accent colour

If you haven’t logged in during the past 2 weeks you won’t have seen these changes so I encourage you to pop ain and take a look around! Here’s some feedback I’ve received:

WOW: I just now happened to notice the new changes. It all looks and is great! Excellent job, Travis!

11 out of 10 for a super excellent Account page !!

I love Love Luv the “Active Boards” feature. Nice! Thanks, Travis

Oh wow! They do look good.

Wow, fantastic — Great work Travis, well worth the wait!

My heart went straight up like a hot air balloon when I saw I could customize the color of the page! I like that we can see each other’s icons in bigger size now, too.

Another job very much well done, Travis!

I really like how the Watchlist works.

Fantastic account pages! Great work Travis!



I founded, design, engineer and support The Movie Database (@themoviedb). I wear a lot of hats.